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Cambium core
Requiring namespaces
(require '[cambium.core :as log])
(require '[cambium.codec.util :as util])
(require '[cambium.mdc :as mlog])
Namespace based loggers
A namespace based logger uses the namespace where the log event is originated as the logger name. Like
, Cambium defines namespace loggers for various levels:
(log/info "this is a log message") ; simple message logging
(log/info {:latency-ms 331 :module "registration"} "App registered") ; context and message
(log/debug {:module "order-processing"} "sequence-id verified")
(log/error {:module "user-feedback"} exception "Email notification failed") ; context, exception, msg
Available log levels: trace
, debug
, info
, warn
, error
, fatal
Custom loggers
You can define custom loggers (with predefined logger name) that you can use from any namespace as follows:
(log/deflogger metrics "METRICS")
(log/deflogger txn-log "TXN-LOG" :info :fatal)
(metrics {:latency-ms 331 :module "registration"} "app.register.success") ; context and message
(txn-log {:module "order-processing"} exception "Stock unavailable") ; context, exception, msg
(txn-log "Order processed") ; simple message logging
Context propagation
Value based context can be propagated as follows:
;; Propagate specified context in current thread
(log/with-logging-context {:user-id "X1234"}
(log/info {:job-id 89} "User was assigned a new job")
;; wrap an existing fn with specified context
(log/wrap-logging-context {:user-id "X1234"} user-assign-job) ; creates a wrapped fn
MDC propagation
Unlike value based propagation MDC propagation happens wholesale, i.e. the entire current MDC map is replaced with a new map. Also, no conversion is applied to MDC; they are required to have string keys and values. See example below:
;; Propagate specified context in current thread
(mlog/with-raw-mdc {"userid" "X1234"}
(log/info {:job-id 89} "User was assigned a new job")
;; wrap an existing fn with specified context
(mlog/wrap-raw-mdc user-assign-job) ; creates a wrapped fn that inherits current context
(mlog/wrap-raw-mdc {"userid" "X1234"} user-assign-job) ; creates wrapped fn
The most common use of MDC propagation is to pass the logging context to child threads in a concurrent scenario.
Redacting context attributes
[cambium.core "1.1.0"]
added context transformation support, which is no-op by default.
You can setup context-filtering for various use cases - see example below:
(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/transform-context
(fn [_]
(fn [context]
(-> context
(dissoc :password :email) ; redact sensitive attributes
(util/dissoc-in [:config :db :jdbc-url]) ; also from nested context
(assoc :app-version "1.16.202")))))
Context filtering is applied every time you set context. You should weigh the performance overhead carefully for this operation.
Caller metadata
Starting with Cambium 0.9.2
, by default all log events include the MDC/context attributes ns
, line
and column
This metadata is obtained at compile time, hence the overhead is negligible. However, you may override this default
behavior by setting the system property cambium.caller.meta.in.context
. For example, the following command would
disable caller metadata in all Cambium log events:
java -Dcambium.caller.meta.in.context=false -jar foo-bar.jar
See also: cambium.core/caller-meta-in-context?
Cambium codec
A Cambium codec governs how the log attributes are encoded and decoded before they are effectively sent to a log appender. A codec constitutes the following:
Var in cambium.codec ns |
Type | Description |
cambium.codec/nested-nav? | Boolean | Should context read/write be nesting-aware? |
cambium.codec/stringify-key | (fn [k]) -> String | Encodes log attribute key as string |
cambium.codec/stringify-val | (fn [v]) -> String | Encodes log attribute value as string |
cambium.codec/destringify-val | (fn [s]) -> value | Decodes log attribute from string form |
Note: You need only one codec implementation in a project.
Cambium comes with two codec modules, cambium/cambium.codec-simple
and cambium/cambium.codec-cheshire
. While
is a very simple codec that converts everything to string, codec-cheshire is a nesting-aware codec
that preserves types as long as they are valid JSON.
Nested context
Sometimes context values may be nested and need manipulation. Cambium requires nesting-aware codec for dealing with nested context. Almost all nesting-aware backends need to be configured to use the codec before logging any events:
(require '[cambium.codec :as codec]) ; assuming we have codec-cheshire
(require '[cambium.logback.json.flat-layout :as flat])
(flat/set-decoder! codec/destringify-val)
See nesting-navigation example below:
(log/with-logging-context {:order {:client "XYZ Corp"
:item-count 10}}
;; ..other processing..
(log/with-logging-context {[:order :id] "F-123456"}
;; here the context will be {"order" {"client" "XYZ Corp" "item-count" 10 "id" "F-123456"}}
(log/info "Order processed successfully")))
;; the logging API processes nested MDC correctly when the codec is nesting-capable
(log/info {:order {:event-id "foo"}} "Foo happened")
Logback backend
Cambium modules for Logback have add-on features described in the sections below.
Overriding log level at runtime
The cambium.logback.core
and cambium.logback.json
modules provide support for overriding log levels at runtime
using a strategy based TurboFilter.
One time setup
Add the following Logback configuration (or equivalent) to logback.xml:
<turboFilter class="cambium.logback.core.StrategyTurboFilter">
<turboFilter class="cambium.logback.core.StrategyTurboFilter">
Configure log level overrides
Configure strategy:
(require '[cambium.logback.core.strategy :as strategy])
;; set new log level to be determined by MDC attribute `forcelevel`
(strategy/set-mdc-strategy! "mdcStrategy" "forcelevel")
;; set levels for logger names for next 15 seconds, root logger being set to ERROR
(strategy/set-multi-strategy! "multiStrategy" "error" (strategy/multi-millis-validator 15000))
(strategy/set-log-level! "multiStrategy" ["com.foo" "com.bar"] "debug")
Generate log events
(log/debug "If this code is in com.foo.* or com.bar.* namespace this event will be logged.")
(import '[org.slf4j MDC])
(MDC/put "forcelevel" "debug") ; force new level to be DEBUG
(log/debug "This event will be logged overriding any existing INFO/WARN/ERROR level")
Remove log level overrides
You can remove log level overrides at any time:
(strategy/remove-strategy! "mdcStrategy")
(strategy/remove-strategy! "multiStrategy")
Configuring cambium.logback.json.FlatJsonLayout
The cambium.logback.json.FlatJsonLayout
class is designed to accommodate customizations to preserve types/nesting
of MDC attributes and wholesale MDC transformation.
(require '[cambium.logback.json.flat-layout :as flat])
Setting MDC value decoder
Setting a value decoder is useful when you encode MDC values (for preserving data types/nesting etc.) and want them to be decoded before they are sent to the appender.
;; assume EDN-encoded value, so parse using EDN reader
(flat/set-decoder! clojure.edn/read-string)
Setting MDC map transformer
In a large number of cases this may not be necessary. However, applying arbitrary transformation to the MDC map is useful at times to backfill custom attributes, or to normalize certain attributes.
(import 'java.util.Map)
;; insert an extra attribute to the MDC
(flat/set-transformer! (fn [^Map m] (.put m "extra-attr" "some value") m))